Ruby Lu.
From then to now.
Oil's & Acrylic's
Oil Pastels
Gold Leaf
Adobe softwares (PS, InDD, Ae, An, Me, Pr, Ru, Ai)
Digital Illustrations (Procreate)

Ruby Lu's style is closest to expressionism, it is unique and sophisticated with neutrals & pop's of colour and texture.
Her interest in art ignited when she was 4 years old and she has pursued it ever since, always looking for new styles and mediums to try to grow her skills as an artist and as an individual.
All artworks Ruby Lu creates first start with an emotion that cannot put into words, so she depicts them through her art.
Bachelor of Design, majoring in Digital & Interaction Design, minor in Graphic Design
Curtin University, WA
Ruby Lu has recently started her latest series called 'Her'. The series is about unrequited and forgotten love; and how quickly someone can become a stranger to us in our lives.
The idea is that the viewer creates the subject's identity in their own minds based off of their own past experiences. And so, each viewer finds a different story and person within each painting.
Click here to view the series.